The Burden of Heavy School Bags: A Call for Reform  

The Burden of Heavy School Bags: A Call for Reform  

Children carrying excessively heavy school bags, often heavier than their own weight,...

City Forest Poonch: A Testament to Conservation Efforts and Nature's Splendor

City Forest Poonch: A Testament to Conservation Efforts...

City Forest Poonch, a barren land transformed into, region's first man-made forest,...

Celebrating Nurses Day: Honoring Everyday Unsung Heroes

Celebrating Nurses Day: Honoring Everyday Unsung Heroes

Nurses Day celebrates nurses worldwide, honoring Florence Nightingale's legacy....

The Nexus between Private Schools and Bookshops

The Nexus between Private Schools and Bookshops

The Jammu and Kashmir education system faces a rising nexus between private schools...

कौन सुनेगा शिक्षकों का दर्द

कौन सुनेगा शिक्षकों का दर्द

अमृतांज इंदीवर || मुज़फ़्फ़रपुर, बिहार 

Where is Umran Malik - will he make a comeback?

Where is Umran Malik - will he make a comeback?

Umran Malik, a promising fast bowler, initially impressed in IPL and ODIs, boasting...


The Burden of Heavy School Bags: A Call for Reform  

Children carrying excessively heavy school bags, often heavier than their own weight, experience significant physical and mental stress....

Latest News

Bagless Day: A Great Initiative, But Private Schools in...

Some private schools in Poonch are violating the Bagless Day directive, depriving students of a stress-free learning day. The CEO...


Celebrating Nurses Day: Honoring Everyday Unsung Heroes

Nurses Day celebrates nurses worldwide, honoring Florence Nightingale's legacy. Despite global shortages, nurses provide essential...